A Jackson, Mississippi based non-profit organization is offering at-risk youth and young adults the opportunity to make a dramatic change in their lives.

In Mississippi, an estimate of 1,107 people experience homelessness on any given day. Of these individuals, at least 57 of them are youth and young adults between the ages 18-24. If about 57 young people are experiencing homelessness on any ONE given night in Mississippi, that means an average of 20,805 youth and young adults are experiencing homelessness each year. At Youth Improvement services, we're doing our part to end youth homelessness in Mississippi and across the country.
Youth Improvement Services is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing safe and stable housing, life skills training and career readiness training to 18 to 24 year old young adults. Our organization was created in direct response to the social justice issues that result in youth homelessness, housing instability, youth crime and hopelessness. We offer at-risk youth the opportunity to make a dramatic change in their lives. Our trauma-informed programs are positioned to be most accessible to young people who otherwise would be swept into the criminal justice system or be affected by chronic homelessness due to a lack of opportunities.
Our clients are earning credentials, becoming employed, securing stable housing, and living fulfilled lives. We are dedicated to uplifting tomorrow's leaders by showing them that their lives have purpose, and that they are capable of taking care of themselves. Our ultimate goal is to identify youth who are going to need assistance with transitioning to adulthood, then provide a positive support system to avoid pitfalls that can derail their lives. Youth Improvement Services provides mentors that serve as developmental role models for young people looking for direction. With our network of community partners, generous sponsors, and passionate board members we are empowering young people to develop the skills, resilience, and resources to exit homelessness and live independently.